Resourced Provision for Deaf Children and Young People

The Local Authority Led Resourced Provision (LARP) is part of the Children’s Sensory and Physical Needs Service within the Specialist Teaching and Support Services. The LARP is hosted at Delta Hanson Academy and provides up to 34 places for deaf pupils aged between 11 and 18.

These places are for young people who require more direct specialist teaching, support and resources, than a mainstream school could reasonably be expected to provide. Children and young people who access the Resourced Provision will have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or be undergoing an assessment for one.

Referral to the provision is made through Bradford’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Team:

What does it do?

The Resourced Provision follows the statutory guidance outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2015). It works in partnership with Hanson Academy, multi-agency professionals, families/ carers and pupils to provide additional specialist teaching, advice, support and resources and is committed to an attachment aware and trauma informed approach in all practice. The provision is accessible, through consultation, to children and young people across the Bradford district and in some circumstances beyond.

The specialist staff working in the Resourced Provision ensure that the learning, mobility, accessibility and communication needs of the children and young people are met and facilitates inclusion in all aspects of school life.

Students who have an EHCP or who are attending on an assessment place will have daily access to:

· Qualified Teachers of the Deaf (ToDs)

· Specialist Support Workers (SSWs)

· Deaf Instructors (DIs)

Deaf children and young people will also have regular access to an Educational Audiologist and a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (SALT).

The Resourced Provision will also provide:

· Support and training to mainstream colleagues to enable them to plan and deliver the curriculum in an accessible way for the Deaf pupils.

· In class support from a Teacher of the Deaf, Specialist Support Worker or Deaf Instructor to facilitate access to the teaching and learning and support communication.

· A bespoke and challenging curriculum that is based on individual need and planned and delivered by a Teacher of the Deaf or Deaf Instructor, as appropriate, and supported by a Specialist Support Worker and/ or Deaf Instructor.

· A bilingual approach to language development with emphasis placed on the continued development of written and where appropriate spoken English for pupils, as well as an important and equal emphasis on the development of British Sign Language (BSL).

· Specialist Curriculum Offer (see link below)