SENCO – Mrs Laura Holden
Contact details –

At Delta Hanson we believe that when students are provided with a safe, structured and nurturing environment they are able to meet their potential and flourish.

When students are happy, have positive relationships with staff and enjoy their learning, we know students can succeed. We aim to inspire and excite our learners to ensure rapid progress and we continually strive to close the gap between our SEND students and their peers.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) department work hard to uphold high standards of support for our SEND students and maintain excellence for all children with additional needs. We aim to be an inclusive and aspirational setting, raising standards whilst removing individual barriers to learning, and work hard to empower our students to become well rounded people who can realise their full potential.

We work collaboratively with outside agencies and support groups to ensure appropriate and suitable provision is in place to help our learners become informed, decisive and confident young adults.

Hanson is especially proud of our Local Authority Resource Provision (LARP) in which students who are Visually Impaired (VI) and Deaf / Hearing Impaired (HI) can be supported with specialist equipment and resources to ensure that they have full access to their education. Deaf / Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired students will be provided with a personalised programme that includes learning in mainstream lessons and alternative specialised provision. They will have direct teaching and support from specialist staff within the LARP and these staff work closely with mainstream staff to ensure mainstream lessons are fully accessible to them.

Hanson is committed to working with students, their parents / carers and other educational settings to ensure a positive and smooth transition to secondary school. Planning for the transition starts from Year 6 and often from Year 5. For students with an EHCP, the SENDCo will attend annual reviews to begin to form an understanding of students’ individual needs. In addition, Hanson hosts two extra SEND transition days, prior to the whole school transition event, for students who require more reassurance and confidence when joining Hanson. Students joining our LARP provision also receive a bespoke transition package to ensure all needs are catered for.

If you have any queries regarding SEND at Hanson, please contact school reception and ask to speak with a member of the SEND team or email Mrs Laura Holden is the schools SENDCo, Mrs Terry is the schools Assistant SENDCo.

For information about the local offer within Bradford, please use the following link: