Laura Holden


Laura started her career as a PE teacher at a catholic school in Bradford and moved to Hanson in 2007 as Key Stage 5 leader in PE. She quickly advanced to gain her Advanced Skills Teacher Status (AST) and worked across local schools and trust academies to improve teaching and learning provision, as well as developing her leadership skills at Hanson. As the school moved to a house system in 2012, Laura became Head of Attenborough House and was responsible for the attainment, progress and pastoral care of a quarter of the school’s population. Over the next 9 years, Laura honed her senior leadership skills undertaking roles in teaching and learning, attainment and progress and data and assessment. She feels she has now found her calling as a SENCO. She enjoys working with children with special educational needs and is passionate about providing these pupils with the support and nurture they need to thrive educationally in our school community.